Questions & Answers


Muhammad, the most common name in the world, all derived from this man who plays an important role in Islam. Islam means "submission to the will of God." In 2007, Islam was the religion of about 1.5 billion Muslims (followers of Islam) around the world, which makes it the second largest religion is the world. Islam states there is only One Supreme God, or "Allah" in Arabic, and all people must obey God. The Qu'ran (the holy book of Muslims) dictates what Muslims are expected to do in their life.


To create Adam, God used clay from the Earth. When Adam was created, his first words were, "Al-humdulillah," or "Praise to be Allah." He was sent to the Garden of Eden; however, he was not content. God used one of Adam's ribs to create Eve. Together they lived in peace and they were given one condition: not to eat the fruits of the forbidden tree. Iblis (Lucifer) heard this and he was still envious of Adam. That was because when Adam was created, Iblis refused to bow down before him, so Iblis was cast out of heaven. Iblis plotted and came up with a plan. He described death with grisly details to the peacock, who was living in the Garden of Eden, and Iblis told the peacock the only remedy was to eat the forbidden fruits. The peacock told the snake, who passed it on to Eve, who shared this piece of information with Adam. They decided to eat the fruit, and were cast out of heaven. He was the first prophet, and the first man.


This is the first and most important pillar in Islam, (I testify that there is no God but God and Muhammad peace be upon him is His final messenger). It is the affirmation of faith, and it implies total submission and complete obedience to God's commandments both in utterances and actions, whether explicit or implicit.


In Islam the followers are called to offer salat (prayer or worship) at five specific times during the day. The adhan, sometimes also spelled as azaan, is a call to prayer by the muezzin, a person appointed to call and then lead the prayer at the masjid (mosque), the Muslim house of worship. After this initial call, the iqama is recited, which signals the beginning of the prayers. The mihrab is a niche in the wall of the mosque which indicates the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca. Muslims pray while facing in this direction.

The adhan is usually recited into the ears of a newborn baby so that it is the first words that the child hears calling him to the faith.


In Islam, God is usually called Allah. However, Allah also has 99 names that Muslims don't use very much. These names include Al Rahim meaning the merciful and Al Majid meaning the glorified.


The term Ibaadah encompasses all forms of worship. The word Bi'daa is derived from the same root word, but it means "innovation" in worship, something that the Holy Prophet and those in his time never practiced. Dhikr is the term for "remembrance" of God, and may involve reciting certain verses of Qur'an or "duas", or even just admiring the creation of God! Wudhu is the term for "ablution", where a Muslim must purify him or herself before worship.


Qadr means destiny, nabaa means great news, and salaam means peace. Nabaa is actually a surah in the last juz, or section, of the Quran.


Islamic Calendar is based on lunar cycle. It is also called Hijri Calendar, the year in which Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his fellow companions called 'Sahabah' emigrated to Medina. Hijrah is an Arabic word that means emigration.